Impact Study - Manufacturing Business
/Organization Details:
Ownership: Single Owner, C-Corp
Industry Sector: Design and Manufacturing Services
Entry Situation:
Disruption of workflow due to interpersonal destructive disputes within the work team(s). System wide communication breakdown and avoidance issues.
Dollar Impact Summary
- Benefit to Cost Ratio: (3:1)
- Estimated Cost of Conflict up to Entry Point: $16,227
- Estimated ongoing conflict costs per month pre-engagement: $4,000
- Total Cost of Resologics Services: $5,500
- More impact info: see below
Organizational Goals:
- Get the current situation under control and the teams back to work.
- Look at the overall system of team dynamics and initiate a long-term plan to support a higher performing team
- Support training and education needs for specific people where needed
- More saleable business and/or succession potential
Resologics Role(s):
- Mediation
- Coaching with individuals within team
- Coaching with leadership to discover overall goals
- Team Diagnostic Assessment (Team Leader View)
- Team Diagnostic Assessment (Full Team View)
- Ongoing team coaching centered on organizational culture, communications, team agreements, etc…
- Training in conflict awareness
Here's What Happened:
- Mediation supported the immediate need to get the team back to work and through the rough spot. Mediation was successful and resulted in a closer working and personal relationships between the core people involved.
- The coaching work, and Team Diagnostic work revealed a team that had been working in an unspoken norm situation for over a decade. Although that norm had produced good results, the team coaching, training, and outside support instantly created a more dynamic and inclusive working atmosphere.
- The Team Diagnostic and team coaching work has also led to long-term team agreements being put in place along with continuing work on “the team” in motion.
Primary Conflict System at Play:
- Roles & Responsibilities
- Accommodation and group norm behavior
- Lack of team agreements
Organizational Impact:
- Ongoing and early for impact measurements – Less than 6 months since initiation. Follow-up assessments due in 6 months.
- Teams were back to work and productive quickly
- Last quarter sales and profit best ever level in company history
- Happy and engaged leadership team
- Closer working teams with more tightly defined mission and goals
Expected Long-term Impact:
- Higher performing team with higher scoring team dynamics
- Continuing gains in sales and profitability
- Organizational readiness to be acquired for maximum price