Conflict engagement and resolution is not the practice of law. Information provided on this web site is for general information purposes only, as a service to those that use the site. Resologics does not promise that the content is accurate but strives to be as current and accurate as possible.
Some of the information on this site contains legal terms and concepts. Our clients and visitors have unique situations to which these terms and concepts may or may not apply. Resologics does not recommend that users of this site rely on information posted on the site but instead and in every instance recommend that people consult with their own attorneys for all legal advice, accountants for advice concerning financial matters, mental health professionals for any mental health concerns, on so on and so forth.
Resologics is not responsible for any damages or consequences that may result from any reliance by users of its website or on the materials, surveys, tools, etc... located on the website.
While some of our partners and practitioners may be admitted to the practice of law, Resologics is not a legal services organization and its practitioners do not serve as attorneys for the parties in any capacity. No attorney-client relationship is created in the work done with our clients.
No mediator-client relationship is formed by accessing the information on this site or by using the site to contact us to inquire about such services. Please see the confidentiality page for more information on these matters.
The materials created and shared here are the intellectual property of Resologics, Doing Business As (DBA) a limited liability company under the California and Vermont USA based Dispute Resolution Partners, LLC.