Wendy Lucas Wood, PhD
Contract Practitioner
Sacramento | San francisco
"Resolving internal and external conflicts, and getting to the heart of those conflicts, has enormous benefits."
Since my work in the fields of organizational development, management, training, research, dispute resolution, systems design and peace building began, I recognized the value of finding ways to engage in our work that Does No Harm, or at least, not make things worse. What became clear to me is that there are costs to conflict – costs that we see in the short term and costs that may not be realized until somewhere down the road. Yet these costs are real; they are expensive both personally and professionally; and they cause harm.
Resolving internal and external conflicts, and getting to the heart of those conflicts, has enormous benefits. Organizations, teams, systems, and individuals find conflict management and resolution to be essential to their effectiveness, productivity, sustainability, and overall happiness with their work, their organization, and the clients and customers with whom they are engaged.
As a mediator and conflict resolution professional, my work has been primarily in governmental and non-governmental organizations and community benefit corporations, as well as for-profit businesses, elementary and secondary schools. Specializing in facilitation, dialogue, and conflict resolution with high conflict and traumatized individuals, groups, and teams,
I have worked at the local, state, national, and international levels rebuilding the capacity to mediate trauma and build conflict resolution capacity in post genocide Rwanda; designing trauma-informed conflict resolution practices in New Orleans post hurricane Katrina; and building trauma literacy and conflict resolution skills for native Hawaiian social, health and education systems.
I hold a Doctorate Degree in Human Science with a specialization in conflict resolution and narrative inquiry, a Masters Degree in Health Sciences Administration, and am a certified mediator from The Center for Dispute Resolution and the University of California, Berkeley. I live with my husband, Dean, in Northern California where we raised five fine children and maintain a small farm.