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Five Team Attributes That Are Killing Your Creative Tension

[Reprinted from article by Mark Batson Baril, September 18, 2019]

“We avoid tension like the plague. We’re happy when everyone’s calm and things are quiet around here,” said an HR exec to me. Fair enough. Who wants to invite negativity and conflict into their workplace?

The answer is: It depends. Conflict is a natural occurrence in any workplace or team, and tension may arise whenever different ideas or perspectives bump into one another. Conflict that is poorly managed easily leads to negative outcomes. However, the other side of conflict is what we call “constructive” or “creative” conflict, which brings on the kind of tension that sparks excitement, conversation and creativity in a group.

Companies that encourage and manage creative tension in their teams have the competitive edge. In my work with teams and research on conflict, I find creative tension to be the secret sauce of high-performing teams.

What is creative tension?

Peter Senge coined the term "creative tension" in his 1990 book, The Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of the Learning Organization, to describe the gap between where a group is and where it wants to go — between vision and reality or desired results.

For me, the creative tension zone is that near-magical space where ideas bounce and boil, where huge ideas emerge, empires are built and uncontrollable fun is around every corner. It’s the place where individuals push out their best work and open themselves up to praise and critique. It’s when a team experiences that precious moment when something new is borne out of all that bouncing and boiling.

The creative tension zone is where creativity, innovation and growth change the success game for an organization.

What kills creative tension?

1. Fear of failure can stifle the engagement, speaking up and risk taking that are hallmarks of creative thinking. The connection between failing and innovation has caught on, as evidenced in companies like Google, Amazon and Coca-Cola, whose company policies reward making mistakes and welcome failure to encourage innovation. The old adage from Thomas Edison — “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work” — becomes current.

Indicators to look for in your team culture:

• Unhealthy competitive atmosphere

• Lack of confidence in job security or company loyalty

• Unusual level of pressure to perform

2. Lack of safety, or the sense that it’s not safe to be yourself, stifles creativity. Termed “psychological safety” by Amy Edmondson in her article "Psychological Safety and Learning Behavior in Work Teams," it’s ‘‘a sense of confidence that the team will not embarrass, reject or punish someone for speaking up.” The creative tension zone depends on a person’s ability to express themselves openly and comfortably. Safety is more important than ever as society continues to break open conventional boundaries and organizations steadily become more diverse.

Indicators to look for in your team culture:

• Confidence-bashing, abrasive leader or manager

• No anti-discrimination/inclusion company policies to support a diverse workplace

• Lack of team rules for respectful conversation

3. Groupthink, by common definition, is the practice of thinking or making decisions as a group in a way that discourages creativity or individual responsibility. Agreement and consensus have their place, but if everyone on the team agrees all the time, how can creative ideas, positive change or innovation happen? For that matter, why have a team at all?

Indicators to look for in your team culture:

• Organization hires yes-men

• Eerily quiet meetings

• Leaders discourage differing opinions or feedback

4. Limited turn-taking seems unimportant, right? Not so fast. For a team to be working together to be as innovative as possible, everyone (without exception) must be included in the conversation. If the conversation isn’t managed properly to utilize the entirety of team talent and creativity, you end up with a few people running the creative show.

Indicators to look for in your team culture:

• Quiet people aren’t encouraged to speak up

• Team self-selects who’s “qualified” to give input, missing out on new potential

• Leader has a heavy tendency to be conflict-avoidant and won’t manage the conversation

5. Eroding trust is the foundational piece: Trust influences all the other attributes. The presence of trust creates a culture of fearlessness, safety, independent thinking and self-confidence. The correlation between high trust in teams and high performance is well evidenced, and the work I do has shown that the creative tension zone starts and ends with trust within a team. Similarly, my findings show that when trust erodes, destructive conflict arises. Key to any organization is this: Trust is a skill that can be developed and built into your culture.

Indicators to look for in your team culture:

• Members don’t feel trusted by their leader

• No one speaks up during meetings, but back-stabbing conversations happen offline

• Entrenchment of disagreements, decision making is bogged down

Coaching Questions

What’s the one thing that could be killing creative tension in your workplace team?

What’s one action you can take tomorrow morning to start understanding what your team thinks the answer is?