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Mark Batson Baril

Conflict Advisor for Teams
Accredited Boss Whisperer®
Reno, NV - USA 800.465.4141 /

Schedule some time with me

"I love supporting promising teams as they navigate the often unchartered challenges of conflict."



The evidence is clear, the highest-performing and happiest teams are those that have a solid competence in conflict management. Organizations that foster constructive conflict are more creative, innovative, productive, and profitable. This is why we work with leaders who know that a positive team dynamic is the top priority in meeting their mission and making change in the world.

In our work with hundreds of teams we have discovered that finding and hitting head-on the underlying conflict causing system is critical to getting a team back on track quickly and for the long-term. Sometimes that system is relatively simple and easy to fix, and at other times it as complex as a valued employee whose behavior is bringing down the entire team and organization. Taking the first steps to conflict resolution can be a massive challenge for many managers. We understand that and make our top priority uncovering what the team is up against and co-creating with you a realistic plan of change that will get results.

I hold a Master’s Degree in Mediation and Applied Conflict Studies from the Woodbury Institute and a Bachelor’s Degree in Business and Personnel Management from Merrimack College. I have been trained as an Ombudsman by the International Ombudsman Association, certified as a Team Performance Coach by TCI/ICF, and accredited by the Boss Whispering Institute as a Boss Whisperer®. Tapping into this toolbox of practices and education, and four decades of experience in the field, allows me to customize and deliver services to my clients, meeting them exactly where their greatest need is.

When I’m not working, I love being outdoors with my partner Cate, family & friends, and my dog Mike, trail running, hiking, skiing, biking, camping, hunting, and paragliding.