Diane Duvall
Contract Practitioner / Ombuds
San Francisco Bay Area - USA
800.465.4141 / duvalldiane@me.com
"My work as a mediator, conflict coach and Ombuds centers on my core belief that people are capable of great innovation, creativity, and humanity in the midst of conflict. In fact, through a skilled conflict resolution process, disagreement can be a major driver of positive change."
As a certified mediator, I have handled cases involving businesses, schools, neighbors and families, finding that no matter what the topic of disagreement may be, a carefully guided process can unlock the generative potential that exists between parties who are at odds. My training in individual, strengths-based conflict coaching also allows me to provide one-on-one skilled support for people who are in a conflict dynamic, either in preparation for mediation or as an entirely separate process.
Across the scope of my experience, whether representing individual clients, coordinating teams, developing trainings, or serving on school-related boards, what is at the heart of my practice is consistent: deep and careful listening and reflection, for the purpose of cultivating greater awareness and building a foundation of understanding on which a forward action plan can be based. In all of my conflict resolution work, I rely on a facilitative and interest-based approach, with an emphasis on narrative and self-determination.
My mediation education started back in 1995 with a semester-long course in Alternative Dispute Resolution, taught by Jay Folberg and Steve Rosenberg. I followed up, years later, with a 40-hour training led by Steve Rosenberg, and since then have also trained with Gary Freidman, Catherine Connor, and Ron Kelly. I have studied conflict coaching under the Cinergy model, strengths-based coaching under the ICF, and have a strong interest in the science of compassion. Dedicated to an ongoing exploration of the topics that strengthen my practice skills, I am continually seeking to learn more about the conditions that favor expressions of humanity and pro-social behavior.
In my free time, I enjoy sharing picnics and potlucks with friends, and exploring the wonders of nature in our backyard and beyond with my husband and children.